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List of All Patent Product Invented by BCSIR Geologist and Mineralogist in Bangladesh

ইনস্টিটিউট অব মাইনিংমিনারেলজি  মেটালার্জি (আইএমএমএম)




Name of the Unit Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy (IMMM)
Area metallurgy, environmental engineering
Uses recycle of aluminum
Salient Features some gentle pre-treatment makes used beverage cans ready for melting and casting
Scale of Development The process is standardized at bench scale
Major Raw Materials waste beverage cans
Major Plant Equipments/Machinery Melting furnace
Details of specific application The process results in aluminum metal ingots in pure state ready for use
Status of Development The product has been examined and is found ready for industrialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact (if any, specify briefly) on account of the recycling involved in the process, it is highly desirable environmentally
Patenting details Patent filed
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Key words aluminum, recycling, beverage cans



Name of the Unit Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy (IMMM)
Area Metallurgy, Electronics, Environment
Uses Electronics, Repairing, Plumbing, Jewelry
Salient Features Environment friendly, Pb-free
Scale of Development The process is standardized at bench scale
Major Raw Materials Zinc, Copper, Tin, Aluminum, Antimony and some fluxes.
Major                          Plant Equipments/Machinery Melting Furnace, Rolling Mill
Details         of         specific application Solder alloy is mainly used in electronics to join the components in printed circuit boards. In addition, it has a traditional application in plumbing to join pipes.
Status of Development The product has been examined and is found ready for industrialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact (if any, specify briefly) This very process is based on the theme of replacing toxic and health hazardous Pb-containing solders. The wide applications of this type of Pb- free solder will certainly help protect environment and human health and be compatible with the international regulations such as Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (ROHS) and European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE).
Patenting details Patent will be filed soon
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Key words Solder, Pb-free, Electronics, Toxicity



Name of the unit Institute of Mining, Mineralogy & Metallurgy, BCSIR,



Area Gemology
Uses Jewelry or other adornments
Salient Feature Natural real gemstone/precious stone
Scale of Development The process is standardized at bench scale
Major raw Materials Colorful granites, pegmatites, smoky quartz, milky quartz


etc.) of Maddhapara Granite Mining Co. Ltd and as well as


with some imported minerals like Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli


etc of India and Afghanistan.

Major Plant equipment Sawing Machine, Feceting machine, Polishing machine
Estimated cost 18,86,026.00 Tk.
Unit Cost 78 taka/Carat
Commercialization status Ready for Commercialization
Techno-Economics Feasible (Pay back period 2Years), Different varieties of


gemstone have different price ranges and huge


demand throughout the world for its natural beauty.




This process is environmental friendly; all consumables


used in this process are nontoxic.

Socio-economic impact By leasing developed process, polishing and cutting


oriented industries will be developed in our country


and large number of people will be employed.


eletrode waste

Unit Institute of Mining, Mineralogy & Metallurgy
Area Industrial Mineral
Uses The recovered rutile minerals will be used for making new arc electrodes.
Salient Features a) Separation of Rutile minerals from arc electrode waste which is previously treated as trash.

b) Rutile minerals will be recovered and the recovered rutile minerals will be used for making new arc electrodes reduce production cost.

c) New plant/factory will be established to recover the rutile minerals.

d) In fact, about 100% of whole Rutile content of electrode arc waste will be recoverable.

e) A new thought based on rutile mineral recovery from arc electrode waste industry will be developed in our country. The processed mineral will be used by Linde Bangladesh and as well as to other industries. Therefore employment opportunity will be created in our country as well as savings and earning foreign currencies.

Establishment Cost TK. 1, 88, 32,500.00
Scale of Development The process is standarised at bench scale
Major                               Plant Equipment/Machinery Magnetic separator, Electrstatic separator
Details           of           Specific Application The process is used for rutile recovery from arc electrode waste
Status of Development Ready for commercialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact      (if     any,     specify briefly) The process is physical separation method, so it is environmental friendly
Patenting Details Patent will be filed
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Keywords Rutile, Arc Electrode Waste


shitakund shale clay

Unit Name Mineralogy Division, Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Joypurhat
Area Engineering Geology
Uses The developed tiles will be used for roof tiles, floor tiles, facing etc.
Salient Features a) Natural red color ceramic tiles

b) New source of raw material for ceramic industry.

c) New ceramic industries will be established. d) Various physical and chemical properties of clay               samples              are          preferred for    various construction purposes

e) Developed ceramic tiles with low water absorption and high compressive strength using low temperature method.

f) Cost effective and employment opportunity will be created in our country as well as savings and earn foreign currencies.

Scale of Development The process is standarised at bench scale
Major Raw Materials Red clay (Shale) of Sitakunda Upazilla, Chittagong District
Major Plant Equipment/Machinery Mixer machine, Tunnel Kiln, Press Machine
Details of Specific Application Utilization of red clay (Shale) of Chittagong area to develop ceramic tiles
Status of Development Ready for commercialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact (if any, specify briefly) The process is cost effective and low temperature method .so it is environmentally friendly
Patenting Details Not filing
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Keywords Shale, low temperature, cost effective
Approximate amount of cost to fulfill the process (Tk) 85,86,500


shilpi clay

Area Engineering Geology
Unit Name Mineralogy Division, Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Joypurhat.
Uses The developed tiles will be used for roof tiles, floor tiles, facing etc.
Salient Features This process is to use red clays of the northern            area   of   Bangladesh                   for manufacturing of ceramic tiles production mixing with rock dust collected from of Maddhapara Granite Mine Co Ltd, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.     During     the           blasting     and crushing process, the fine particles of Granite Mine area can cause more pollution than other forms of dust unless stored properly and further utilized. The wastes may be used to replace conventional fluxing materials, with the advantage of controlling the physical properties of the ceramic body without producing any negative effect on the product properties and allowing sintering at low temperatures, thus resulting in energy conservation.
Scale of Development The process is standardised at bench scale
Major Raw Materials Red    clay    of    Northern   area    (Shailpy, Naogaon) and Rock Dust of Maddhapara Granite Mine Co Ltd, Dinajpur,
Major Plant Equipment/Machinery Mixer machine, Tunnel Kiln, Press Machine
Details of Specific Application Utilization of maximum amount of rock dust to develop high strength ceramic tiles
Status of Development Ready for commercialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact (if any, specify briefly) The process is cost effective and low temperature method as well as related with waste management, so it is environmentally friendly
Patenting Details The patent is in the review.
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Keywords Red clay, rock dust, waste management
Approximate amount of cost to fulfill the process (Tk) 76,25,375


shilpi clay

Area Engineering Geology
Unit Name Mineralogy Division, Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Joypurhat
Uses The developed tiles will be used for floor tiles , wall tiles etc.
Salient Features This glaze is formulated by using 70% natural resources and by taking advantages of low cost and environmental protection.

Utilization maximum quantities of rock dust waste generated from granite mine area in a feasible way for waste dumping and environmental protection.

This glaze is formulated by using feldspar that collected from Maddhapara Granite Mine area whereas most industry collected this from aboard with high price. Utilization of natural sand which was process as silica sand at the Mineralogy laboratory , Institute of Mining, Mineralogy and Metallurgy, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

The formulation creates natural and excellent color and texture of the product.

Scale of Development The process is standardised at bench scale
Major Raw Materials Natural resources (rock dust, feldspar, sand etc)
Major                           Plant Equipment/Machinery Mixer machine, Tunnel Kiln
Details          of          Specific Application Formulation of ceramic glaze from natural resources mixed which is inexpensive, energy conservative and sustainable for environment.
Status of Development Ready for commercialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact     (if     any,    specify briefly) The process is cost effective and low temperature method as well as related with the utilization of our natural resources.
Patenting Details The patent has been submitted.
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Keywords Ceramic glaze, resources, cost-effective


Name of the Unit Institute of Mining, Mineralogy & Metallurgy
Area Water purification
Uses Treatment of waste water
Salient Features In aluminium utensil industry melting of waste aluminium goods, upper portion, called slag is separated as waste and liquid portion is mixed with 50% fresh aluminium bar for making new goods. Powdered slag, called ash contains about 40% aluminium but there is no technology in Bangladesh to recover the remaining aluminium as metallic or any other form. Presently it is being used as earth filler. It is possible to prepare aluminium alum from wastes of aluminium utensil industry, which may help in saving foreign currency.
Scale of Development The process is standarised at bench scale
Major Raw Materials Aluminium containing ash
Major Plant Equipment/ Machinery Reaction Vessel, Filter press
Estimated cost 36,66,250/=
Unit cost 84/= per Kg
Details        of      Specific Application The process is used for waste water treatment
Status of Development Ready for commercialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact (if any, specify briefly) The process extracts sludge from waste water, so it is environmental friendly
Patenting Details Patent will be filed
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Keywords Aluminium ash, Waste water treatment


Name of the Unit Institute of Mining, Mineralogy & Metallurgy
Area Humidity control
Uses For moisture/gas absorption
Salient Features Rice husk, the by-product of rice mill usually used as a fuel. Some of it is burnt directly in the rice mill as boiler fuel and rest is used as a fuel stick in hotels, tea stalls and cooking purposes. The ash has no economic value and is usually dumped in the open space and poses a significant waste disposal problem. Therefore proper utilization could be solved such problems. Preparation of silica gel from rice husk ash is a possible use of this materials and makes them important by producing value added product.
Scale of Development The process is standarised at bench scale
Major Raw Materials Rice husk ash
Major                               Plant Equipment/Machinery Reaction Vessel, Filter press
Estimated cost 77,02,500/=
Unit cost 156/= per Kg
Details of Specific Application The process is used for moisture/gas absorption
Status of Development Ready for commercialization
Ecological/Environmental Impact (if any, specify briefly) The process extracts chemicals from ash, so it is environmental friendly
Patenting Details Patent accepted
Commercialization Status Ready for commercialization
Techno-Economics Available on demand
Keywords Rice husk ash, Silica gel

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Research Fellowship in BCSIR Bangladesh Graduate Can Apply Dead line 15 June 2022