প্রাকৃতিক দূর্যোগ Jamalpur flood shelter

Flood shelter is not enough? What causes Flood in Jamalpur?

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Jamalpur flood shelter 20220615 161409


Jamalpur flood shelter: Jamalpur is one of the biggest flood risk area in Bangladesh.The most of the Upazila is now under water. We have visited some School which are flooded completely. The water from the river overflown the village. All the schools, temples, markets, highway road and masjid is in underwater. The people are suffering very much from the flood. The playground of school is underwater in Jamalpur district.  The university in Jamalpur district is also affected by flood water. The main reason of this flood is the running water from Indian border. The Meghalaya and other region faces rainfall. The running water from India flows to Bangladesh and cause flood surrounding the area of district. Recently we have visited some places before this flood, most of the people says, they faces many problem and got underwater every year due to the flood water. They need many flood shelter to survive from this catastrophic disaster occurred every year. The school going boys and girls cannot go to school. The people are suffering from food and daily commodities. The government should help specially from district commissioner and ministry of disaster management and relief to the concern people to minimise the suffering from the disaster. If the government can built the sufficient flood shelter people can stay in flood shelter during flood  disaster. The shelter is very essential in Northern part of Bangladesh, Netrokona Sunamganj, in Jamalpur and other districts closed to the river of Brahmaputra. Every year the people of this region are facing devastating flood disaster. Every year people are losing their resources and many valuable thinks of life. Here is very threatened due to disaster. So the government has many responsibility for those people to make them happy. The people says, now, they need food and shelter and later flood shelter for their survival during disaster. The district relief and habilitation officer says, they are planning to build flood shelter in those regions.

The main reason of flood in Jamalpur district is due to the river the water from the river overflown through the villages and cause flood in market and school and other agriculture land. The water from Indian border flows rapidly through the river of Bangladesh and the bed of river is silted and the water carrying capacity or storage capacity of river is reduced. So the river of Bangladesh cannot hold water which is the main cause of flood. To reduce the flood disaster in Jamalpur and northern district of Bangladesh, we have to grazing the river or make the river bed silted out then the river can hold sufficient water and it may reduce the flood disaster risk  in Bangladesh. The river Brahmaputra in Jamalpur district has mostly shallow depth which is caused the flood in the area of riverside. All the schools and markets and villages can be affected very easily during this time.

How to solve this problem*

There are some issues we need to implement to reduce the flood disaster in Jamalpur district.

Number 1:

Make the river more deep to hold water

The river bank should be more high

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