Disaster and Earth Science
The impacts of Climate Change in Bangladesh are slowing down as land accretion in Bangladesh is increasing in the southern part of Bangladesh. Recently, a research report published in the peer review journal shows that the net coastal area of Bangladesh is increasing every year.
That means the net coastal area of Bangladesh is added to Bangladesh.
This is good news for the country. The Impacts of Climate Change, as climate change would inundate the coastal land in Bangladesh but the overall process is gaining the land in the coastal area of Bangladesh.
Erosion is one of the processes of loss of land whereas land accretion is the gaining of land. Bangladesh is a deltaic country, hence climate change impacts are much here in Bangladesh.
The sediments from the Himalayas go down through the river of Padma, Meghna Jamuna, and Brahmaputra and ultimately fall to the Bay of Bengal. The overloaded of sediments causes land accretion in the natural levee of the rivers.
The coastal area of Bangladesh is also gaining land through this process. Because the comparative erosional process is less than the creation process. The research study shows that. Bangladesh is a densely populated country with varied river and delta landscapes.
Bangladesh’s coastal areas are increasing, but rates slowed down in 2006-2021 after the 1991-2006 period. In the 15-year period from 2006 to 2021, the rate of erosion also increased. New coastal land can be added to the Country. This study was important in producing an accurate mapping of the southern parts that are necessary for the respective year.
In this study, they have prepared the coastal boundaries for 1991, 2006, and 2021 as the coastal boundary of the Bay of Bengal country. This research can be used for future Studies and similarly, other researchers can construct shoreline boundaries, including changes over time, for future land-use planning projections.
In the study, the author added that Bangladesh is a Global South hotspot due to climate change and rising sea levels. It is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world with active delta coasts. Coasts are changing rapidly due to coastal build-up and erosion.
Water hazards for landmass subsidence and accumulation refer to land level rise due to the deposition of sediment loads on the Bay of Bengal continental shelf. Therefore, the study aimed to examine the state of the coast with an assessment of change for Three-year studies in 1991, 2006, and 2021 with the help of the geographic information system and satellite remote sensing (GIS) Landsat 5, 7 ETM+ and 8 OLI satellite imagery were used.
The main finding is that the total recognized land in the coastal zones observed in the periods 1991-2006 was 825.15 km2, 756.69 km2 in 2006-2021, and 1223.94 km2 in 1991-2021 for the period of 30 years. Erosion Assessment Analysis pointed out that the results for the periods 1991-2006 and 2006-2021 were 475.87 km2 and 682.75 km2, respectively.
Therefore, the total coastal erosion from 1991 to 2021 was 800.72 km2.
Net accretion was 73.94 km2 during the 30-year period from 1991 to 2021.
This survey indicates changes in shorelines that reflect evidence of active delta formation through accretion processes and erosion of “climate change” and ” sea level”. rise’.
This research was conducted by Professor Md Shamsuzzoh and Dr. Tofael Ahamed who are currently working in the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan. Professor Md Shamsuzzoh is a permanent employee at the Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. He is a geographer graduate from Rajshahi University.
The Impacts of Climate Change are huge especially for Bangladesh, because Bangladesh is a coastal country in the world. If there are any climate change impacts,
Bangladesh must face its adverse effects. The research shows us a bit of a positive way about the Impacts of Climate Change, but we should not be happy with this. We must study more about the Impacts of Climate Change and the related issue for our motherland.
Climate change has numerous impacts on agriculture, including:
Climate change affects human health in various ways, including:
Climate change impacts in the UK include:
Climate change impacts in Africa include:
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Climate change has significant impacts on biodiversity, including:
Climate change impacts in Pakistan include:
Climate change has significant economic impacts, including:
Climate change has various social impacts, including:
While the negative impacts of climate change are significant, it is important to note that there are a few positive impacts, such as:
It is important to note that these potential positive impacts are outweighed by the significant negative consequences of climate change.
Climate change has numerous negative impacts, including:
Climate change has significant environmental impacts, including:
Climate change has political impacts at various levels, including:
Climate change has global impacts, including:
Some impacts of climate change include:
To reduce the effects of climate change, some strategies include:
The impacts of climate change are primarily caused by: