Grading System of National Nniversity

Grading System of National Nniversity

Grading System of National Nniversity and Patuakhali Science and Technology University

Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh

For the degree of Master of Science in Disaster Management, Major in Disaster Resilience and Engineering, July-December, 2019

Name of the Student: Shimul Chandra Sarker

Department: Disaster Resilience and Engineering                            

Title of the Thesis: Disaster Resilience of the Coastal Forest Ecosystem Benefits: A Case Study at Kalapara Upazila, Patuakhali.

Name of the Student: Israt Jahan Ruma

Department: Disaster Resilience and Engineering                            

Title of the Thesis: River Bank Erosion at Jhalokathi: Socio-Economic Impacts Assessment and Mitigation Approaches.

Name of the Student: Md. Yusuf Ali Mollah

Department: Disaster Resilience and Engineering                            

Title of the Thesis: Non-Structural Measures to Cyclone: A Case Study on Early Warning and Social Learning

Name of the Student: Afsin Islam

Department: Disaster Resilience and Engineering                            

Title of the Thesis: Assessing Women Vulnerabilities to Disaster and Women Engagement towords Resilience: A Study at Gournadi Upazila, Barishal.

Total Credit Hour Completed: 42

Name of the Student: Ismat Ara Muna

Department: Disaster Resilience and Engineering                            

Title of the Thesis: Climate Change Impacts on Slum Dwellers of Barishal City Corporation: Vulnerabilities Assessment and Coping Strategies.

Grading System of National Nniversity

Marks Obtained Letter Grade Grade Point
80 % and above A+ 4.00
75 % Less than 80 % A 3.75
70 % Less than 75 % A- 3.50
65 % Less than 70 % B+ 3.25
60 % Less than 65 % B 3.00
55 % Less than 60 % B- 2.75
50 % Less than 55 % C+ 2.50
45 % Less than 50 % C 2.25
40 % Less than 45 % D 2.00
Less than 40 % F 0.00

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