Disaster and Earth Science
Shinshu University is one of the best universities in Japan. It is ranked 17th in the country and around 865 globally. The university is surrounded by mountains and the weather is good. The university is good at communication with Matsumoto city and Tokyo. After coming to Shinshu University, I have a good feeling about the campus and the overall environment.
Here, I have come in the winter season, but in the daytime most of the time, we find sunshine that is very good for the winter season, Because, in winter if the smoky day and snow appear, it is more difficult to live. Here Matsumoto city is a very clean and modern city to live in.
At the very beginning at Matsumoto city in Japan, I was surprised at the station. Because I did not expect them to be more kindful to my family and me by the supervisor. I usually spent five years in Sendai. Since then I have been familiar with Japanese kindness.
But I am grateful to get my supervisor as a super kind man here in Japan. So I expect to have a good life in Matsumoto. All the people are good and kind you can find them outside and inside the campus. My professor picked us up in his car and helped me to keep the luggage in his car!!
I was surprised!!
However, he instructs us on every rule in detail. How to live in Japan? What do we need to do? How to manage domestic wastage? Here, the first challenge is to get a mobile phone and the internet. The second thing is the baby’s school and the working permit. We have to apply for all these things. So far it is going well. I have applied online for a cell phone in the GTN mobile company Prepaid Sim for 1200 yen/month with the help of my supervisor.
The Shinshu University is surrounded by the Japan Alps mountain range and is called the roof of Japan. The beautiful mountain ranges can be found with the naked eye. It is more beautiful in the rainy season because during the rain one side does not have any rain but the other side has the rain which makes it beautiful. From the Shinshu University campus, you can find this beauty. There are many onsen here in Matsumoto.
The onsen is a natural hot spring which contains many natural minerals like Ca, K, Mg, F and many more that are good for the health. The temperature of the hot water in the onsen is more than 50 degrees. But I personally like around 30-40 degrees to use. This onsen is another attraction in the Matsumoto area and is near to Shinshu University.
Shinshu University in Japan is best because of the only one Textile Science and Technology faculty in Japan. Cutting-edge research in textile science is famous in Japan. Shinshu University has cutting-edge research in another discipline.
At Shinshu University there are 360 international students. For the foreign students we first need to register our residence card at the word office at Matsumoto. We visited there with my supervisor and registered our family registration card. For the part-time work my wife wishes to do, we need to get working permission from the immigration office at Nagano City, 70 Km from Shingshu University.
As a foreigner, we can cook our traditional food but here in Matsumoto, we can find some Japanese traditional food like Kakeyagi soba, Tempura Udon, Ramen, Shushi etc. Most of foreigners are fond of Tuna fish can (container). This is good for making the sandwich. All the goods are higher in price in comparison to the last five years in Japan. Here the vegetables, fish, chicken and other meat are fresh and good for health.
We have visited the shopping mall in Matsumoto city. You can find almost all items to buy at the shopping mall. Here the cheapest mall is Book Off at the Matsumoto station. You can find the biggest shopping mall AEON MALL, 3 Km east of the Matsumoto station.
The AEON Mall is usually closed at 10 pm, but just before closing you can find the stuff at very cheap prices (up to 80% discount), especially butter, bread, pizza, Shushi, Onigiri etc.