How to apply NST Scholarships for University Students?
Download: List of Scholarships Fellow in Geology & Mining, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
Scholarship-in-geology-and-MiningNST Fellowship from the Bangladesh Government is good for the ongoing master’s students.
How to apply National Science and Technology Fellowship?
- First, you should go to the website or shed gov bd scholarship
- In the notice board, you can see the NST Fellowship circular, where you can see all the terms and conditions of the application.
- Then go to the Fellowship and Grants section.
- Then click on NST Fellowship.
- Here NST Fellowship application form is given either pdf or word file.
- You should download the application form and fill the form with the necessary information. If the form is given in pdf, you can edit your information with the help of ‘Foxit Reader’ or any other software.
- While applying, you must need the title of your research and research proposal (not more than two pages) with the research supervisor’s signature.
- Papers to be submitted at the time of application
- 3 copies of passport size photo
- Attested copies of all academic certificates and transcripts
- Document of MS admission
- Supervisor’s recommendation letter
- All the papers should be sent within an envelope along with the address mentioned in the circular. Must arrive on the due date by registered post or direct delivery.
- The subject of the application (course name) must be mentioned on the application envelope.
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