
Classroom for Geology and Disaster

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Acetogenic lipids

Definition of acetogenic lipids: 

Acetogenic lipids are lipids built from acetate (2-carbon) subunits with hydrocarbon alkenones (alkenones are also known as ketones, and are any compound with a C-O bond). We think of different types of acetogenic lipids in their use as biomarkers:

Fatty acids


Ether lipids

Complex polar lipids with long alkyl chains

acetogenic lipids
Photo: Acetogenic lipids.

There are many biomarkers that fall into this category learn more about Biomarker classification

Lipids: These are a broad category of biomolecules composed mainly of fatty acids and alcohol, serving essential functions in living organisms like energy storage, cell membrane structure, and signaling.

Acetogenic lipids: This refers to the process of producing acetate, a molecule with two carbon atoms. This term usually comes up in the context of acetogenic bacteria, microbes that use various carbon sources, including CO2 and H2, to generate acetate through fermentation.

What is Acetogenic Bacteria?

Acetogenic bacteria are a diverse group of microorganisms that are capable of converting various carbon sources, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2), into acetate (CH3COO−). This process, known as acetogenesis, plays a crucial role in various natural environments, including:

Acetogenic bacteria are found in a wide range of habitats, including:

Here are some of the key characteristics of acetogenic bacteria:

The study of acetogenic bacteria has significant implications for various fields, including:

Overall, acetogenic bacteria are a fascinating and diverse group of microorganisms that play important roles in various natural environments. Their unique metabolic capabilities and potential applications make them a subject of ongoing research and interest.



Isoprenoids are a vast and essential class of naturally occurring organic compounds found in almost all living organisms. They are formed from the basic building block isoprene, a 5-carbon hydrocarbon unit. Through intricate biochemical pathways, these units are combined and modified to create a staggering diversity of molecules with diverse functions.

Key features of isoprenoids:

Examples of isoprenoids:

Significance of isoprenoids:

Further exploration:

Acyclic and cyclic isoprenoids

Acyclic and cyclic isoprenoids are two main categories within the diverse family of isoprenoid molecules. They differ in their basic structure and the functions they often play.

Acyclic isoprenoids:

Cyclic isoprenoids:

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Feature Acyclic Isoprenoids Cyclic Isoprenoids
Structure Linear chain Closed rings
Examples Dolichol, phytol, squalene Cholesterol, gibberellins, carotenoids, terpenes
Roles Primary metabolism (structure, transport, modification) Secondary metabolism (signaling, defense, pigments)
Occurrence More common in animals and bacteria More common in plants and microorganisms


Polycyclic isoprenoids

Polycyclic isoprenoids are a specific subset of cyclic isoprenoids characterized by having even more complex structures with multiple interconnected rings. These rings are formed by the cyclization of linear chains of isoprene units (C5H8), leading to diverse and intricate molecular architectures.

Key features of polycyclic isoprenoids:

Compared to simple cyclic isoprenoids:


Hopanoids are a diverse subclass of triterpenoids with the same hydrocarbon skeleton as the compound hopane. They are naturally occurring organic compounds found in a wide variety of organisms, including bacteria, archaea, and some eukaryotes, such as lichens and plants. Hopanoids are widely distributed in the environment and are considered to be some of the most abundant natural products on Earth.

Structure and biosynthesis:

The basic structure of hopanoids is a pentacyclic hydrocarbon skeleton derived from the cyclization of squalene, a precursor to cholesterol. However, hopanoids can be further modified by the addition of various functional groups, such as hydroxyl, ketone, and ester groups. This diversity in structure contributes to the wide range of properties and functions of hopanoids.

The biosynthesis of hopanoids is a complex process that involves multiple enzymatic steps. The starting point for hopanoid biosynthesis is squalene, which is also the precursor to cholesterol in animals. However, the subsequent steps in the pathway differ between hopanoids and cholesterol.


Hopanoids have a variety of functions in different organisms. In bacteria, they are thought to play a role in membrane stability, by increasing membrane rigidity and reducing permeability. Hopanoids may also help to protect bacteria from environmental stresses, such as heat and antibiotics. In plants, hopanoids have been shown to play a role in defense against herbivores and pathogens. They may also be involved in plant signaling and development.


Hopanoids have a number of potential applications, including:


Steroids are a class of organic compounds with a characteristic four-ringed structure. They are found naturally in plants, animals, and fungi, and play a variety of important roles in biological processes.


Carotenoids are a diverse group of naturally occurring pigments responsible for the vibrant colors in many fruits, vegetables, and even some animals. They are essential for both plants and humans, playing crucial roles in various biological processes.

Structure and Diversity:

The basic structure of a carotenoid consists of a long chain of carbon atoms, often containing 40 carbon atoms arranged in eight isoprene units. This basic structure can be modified by the addition of various functional groups, leading to a vast array of over 750 known carotenoids with diverse colors, ranging from yellow and orange to red and purple.

Types of Carotenoids:

Carotenoids can be broadly categorized into two main groups:

Functions in Plants:

In plants, carotenoids play essential roles in: