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International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS):

IGPAS হল একটি ৫ বছর মেয়াদী MS Leading to PhD Program, জাপানে স্কলারশিপ পাওয়া অনেক সহজ। যেহেতু IELTS স্কোর এর কোনো বাধ্যবাধকটা নাই, সে জন্য একটু রেজাল্ট ভাল থাকলেই দরখাস্ত করা যায়। আর প্রফেসর যদি আপনাকে স্টুডেন্ট হিসাবে গবেষনা করাতে চান তবে আর কোন সমস্যাই নাই। প্রফেসর ই সব বাবস্থা করে দেবেন।

জাপানে প্রফেসর কে সবার আগে রাজি করাতে হবে। তাতেই সব কাজ হয়ে গেল বলা যায়

কিভাবে প্রফেসর কে ইমেইল লিখবেন ?

How to Email to Professor in Japan


কোথায় প্রফেসর খুঁজবেন?

IGPAS is one of the most important programs to get an attractive scholarship in Japan Very good amount of money every month as a living expense in Japan. Every year they call for the application to apply.

This IGPAS program includes Earth science, Mathematics,  Biology, Physics, Astronomy, and another major discipline to study in Japan. IGPAS is a Master’s Leading to the Ph.D. program of 5 years of study period. Every month you will get 146000 yen Japanese Yen—very good insurance policies, etc.

Fig: IGPAS official website

Eligibility for the IGPAS program;

  1. 16 years of the study period
  2. Good academic results
  3. Research experience if you have 
  4. No need for IELTS/ GRE
  5. The medium of instruction for your study must be English.
IGPAS 2024
IGPAS 2024: 16 years of the study period

IGPAS 2024 Application in Japan Announced

1) IGPAS 2024 Application (MS+ Ph.D. Degree in Japan)

We are pleased to inform you that IGPAS 2024 (October 2024 admission) is accepting applications!

<Application Period & Key Dates>
Online Pre-Application:  October 16-November 28, 2023
Application Period: November 1-November 30, 2023
Notification of Results: February 8, 2024
*Program begins: October 1, 2024 (2024 Fall Semester)

<Financial Support>
The MEXT (Japanese Government) Scholarship opportunities are available to the master’s program 2024 IGPAS applicants, who successfully pass the entrance examination with excellent performance.



IGPAS 2024
IGPAS 2024

 How to apply IGPAS?

Before going to apply you have to find a professor in your field then you can apply in the prescribed form for higher study in Japan. To get the professor you have to write an email to the professor about whether she/he agrees to take you under her/ his supervision.

In the IGPAS application form, there is a must-fill-in Option as the name of the supervisor and his email address.
Search the topmost-ranking Japanese university websites, like, Tokyo University, Osaka University, Tohoku University Hokkaido University, then you can find a professor.
application date; There are 2 steps of enrolment in the IGPAS program.


  1. Pre-application; usually starts in October. so check the IGPAS official website from November 10-November 30, 2017 to apply for the pre-application for the IGPAS program.
  2. Based on the application document you will be asked to apply pf the main IGPAS Master leading to the Ph.D. program. November 20-December 15, 2017

How To Apply for the MEXT (Monbukagashu) Scholarship?

To get the MEXT scholarship website;
download the form and within the form, there is an option on whether you want to apply for the MEXT or not. If YES then It is Ok just mark a tik in the option below the box. Some students want to study self-financed. To get a MEXT scholarship you have to attend an examination test via Skype or over the telephone from your own country.
 The evolution exam is so important to get a scholarship.
One important thing to get the MEXT scholarship is that.

  1. Very good Project Proposal 

  2. Past research experience

  3. Good academic Results

  4. Passed the evaluation online exam

How to get a Scholarship in the Netherlands for a short course

Japan Scholarship Brochure and the Total Guide

The International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) is a specialized academic program designed to provide international students with advanced research and education opportunities in various scientific disciplines.

IGPAS programs are typically offered by universities and research institutions in Japan. These programs aim to attract outstanding students from around the world who wish to pursue advanced studies and research in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and other related sciences.

The IGPAS programs usually offer a structured curriculum that combines coursework, research projects, and collaboration with leading researchers. Students enrolled in IGPAS programs have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects, often in state-of-the-art facilities, and under the guidance of experienced faculty members.

One of the main objectives of IGPAS is to foster international collaboration and promote cross-cultural exchange among students and researchers. These programs often emphasize interdisciplinary research, encouraging students to explore multiple scientific disciplines and collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds.

IGPAS programs typically have a competitive admission process, with stringent criteria for selecting candidates based on their academic achievements, research potential, and English proficiency. Scholarships and funding opportunities are often available to support international students during their studies in these programs.

Participating in an IGPAS program can offer numerous benefits to students. They gain access to world-class research facilities, exposure to cutting-edge scientific advancements, and the opportunity to work with renowned researchers in their respective fields. Additionally, the international environment of IGPAS programs provides students with a broader perspective and enhances their cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills.

Overall, the International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) serves as a platform for international students to engage in high-quality scientific research, contribute to advancements in their chosen fields, and establish valuable connections within the global scientific community.

What are the eligibility Criteria?

The eligibility criteria for the International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) can vary depending on the specific program and institution offering it. However, here are some general requirements that are commonly expected:

  1. Educational Background: Applicants should typically hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant scientific discipline. Some programs may require a master’s degree for certain fields or specialized programs.

  2. Academic Performance: Applicants are expected to have a strong academic record, demonstrating excellence in their previous studies. This can be assessed through GPA or other grading systems, academic transcripts, and recommendation letters.

  3. Research Potential: IGPAS programs often prioritize applicants with a demonstrated interest and potential for research in their chosen field. Evidence of research experience, such as participation in research projects, publications, or presentations, can strengthen an applicant’s profile.

  4. Language Proficiency: Since most IGPAS programs are conducted in English, applicants are typically required to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. This can be proven through standardized tests such as TOEFL or IELTS, or through other means specified by the program.

  5. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants are usually required to submit letters of recommendation from professors or academic advisors who can assess their potential for advanced scientific research and academic success.

  6. Statement of Purpose: Applicants are often asked to provide a statement of purpose or research proposal outlining their research interests, career goals, and reasons for applying to the IGPAS program.

What are the scholarships for the IGPAS program?


Scholarships for the International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) in Japan may be available to support international students during their studies. These scholarships are typically offered by various organizations, including universities, government agencies, private foundations, and international scholarship programs. Here are some common scholarship options:

  1. Japanese Government Scholarships (MEXT): The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) offers several scholarship programs for international students, including the MEXT Scholarship for Research Students. This scholarship covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare.

  2. University Scholarships: Many universities in Japan provide their own scholarship programs specifically for international graduate students. These scholarships may cover tuition fees, living expenses, or both. The availability and eligibility criteria for university scholarships can vary, so it’s advisable to check with the specific institution offering the IGPAS program.

  3. Private Foundations and Organizations: There are numerous private foundations and organizations in Japan that offer scholarships to international students. Examples include the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), the Rotary Foundation, and the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program. These scholarships may cover various expenses related to education, living, and research.

  4. International Scholarship Programs: International scholarship programs, such as the Fulbright Program, the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, or scholarships offered by organizations like the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), may also provide funding opportunities for international students pursuing graduate studies in Japan. These scholarships often have specific eligibility criteria and application processes.

  5. Research Grants: In addition to scholarships, some IGPAS programs may offer research grants or funding opportunities specifically for graduate students. These grants can support research-related expenses, such as laboratory supplies, fieldwork, or conference participation.


When to apply:

The application timeline for the International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) in Japan can vary depending on the specific program and institution offering it. Generally, it is recommended to start the application process well in advance to ensure sufficient time for preparation and to meet all the deadlines. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Research Application Deadlines: Research the specific IGPAS programs you are interested in and check their official websites or contact the admissions office for information on application deadlines. These deadlines can vary, but they are often set several months in advance of the intended start date of the program.

  2. Early Preparation: Begin preparing your application materials well in advance. This includes gathering the required documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and language proficiency test scores (if applicable). Take time to carefully craft your statement of purpose and secure strong letters of recommendation from appropriate referees.

  3. Entrance Examination Requirements: Some IGPAS programs may require applicants to take entrance examinations or tests as part of the application process. These exams may assess your academic knowledge, research aptitude, or language proficiency. Be aware of the examination requirements and prepare accordingly, allowing ample time for study and practice.

  4. Scholarship Deadlines: If you are applying for scholarships, be sure to check the scholarship application deadlines. Scholarship deadlines may vary from the program application deadlines, and some scholarships have early deadlines. Prepare and submit your scholarship applications well in advance to meet the respective deadlines.

  5. Allow for Processing Time: Keep in mind that the application process may require time for document verification, evaluation, and the decision-making process. It is advisable to submit your application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute complications.

It’s crucial to note that the specific application timeline and requirements can vary for each IGPAS program and institution. Therefore, carefully review the program’s official website, check their application guidelines, and communicate with the admissions office directly to obtain accurate and detailed information on application deadlines and procedures.

How to apply?


To apply for the International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) in Japan, you typically need to follow these general steps:

  1. Research Programs: Begin by researching the IGPAS programs offered by various universities or research institutions in Japan. Explore their official websites to gather information about the program structure, admission requirements, application guidelines, and available research areas. Consider factors such as program reputation, faculty expertise, and alignment with your research interests.

  2. Review Eligibility Criteria: Carefully review the eligibility criteria specified by the IGPAS program you are interested in. Ensure that you meet the academic and language proficiency requirements, as well as any specific prerequisites for your chosen field of study.

  3. Prepare Application Materials: Collect all the necessary application materials, which typically include:

    • Completed application form: Download or access the application form from the program’s official website and fill it out accurately and completely.

    • Academic transcripts: Prepare official or certified copies of your academic transcripts from your previous educational institutions, including your bachelor’s and master’s degrees (if applicable).

    • Letters of recommendation: Request letters of recommendation from professors or academic advisors who can assess your academic abilities, research potential, and suitability for the IGPAS program. Provide them with sufficient time to write and submit the letters.

    • Statement of purpose: Write a clear and compelling statement of purpose outlining your research interests, career goals, and reasons for applying to the IGPAS program. Tailor it to reflect your alignment with the specific program and emphasize your research experience and achievements.

    • Language proficiency test scores: If the program requires proof of English proficiency, arrange to take a standardized English language test such as TOEFL or IELTS, and submit the scores along with your application.

    • Resume/CV: Prepare a comprehensive resume or curriculum vitae (CV) highlighting your academic background, research experience, publications (if any), internships, and relevant achievements.

  4. Application Submission: Once you have completed all the necessary application materials, follow the instructions provided by the program for submitting your application. This typically involves submitting the application form and all supporting documents through an online application portal or by mail. Ensure that you meet the application deadline specified by the program.

  5. Pay Application Fees (if applicable): Some programs may require an application fee to be paid along with the submission of your application. Verify the fee amount and payment method specified by the program and submit the payment accordingly.

  6. Follow-up and Communication: After submitting your application, keep track of any communication from the program. Stay responsive to any requests for additional information or documents. You may also need to schedule and prepare for interviews or entrance examinations if required by the program.


What is the preliminary screening Test for IGPAS?


During the application process for the International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) in Japan, there is often a preliminary screening phase to assess the eligibility and suitability of applicants. The purpose of this screening is to filter out candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements or who are not a good fit for the program. Here are some aspects typically considered during the preliminary screening:

  1. Academic Qualifications: The academic qualifications of applicants are evaluated to determine if they meet the minimum requirements for the IGPAS program. This includes reviewing academic transcripts, verifying the completion of a relevant bachelor’s or master’s degree, and assessing the applicant’s overall academic performance.

  2. Research Potential and Experience: The screening committee assesses the applicant’s research potential and experience in their field of interest. This can include evaluating any research projects, publications, presentations, or internships the applicant has participated in. The committee may also consider the alignment of the applicant’s research interests with the focus of the IGPAS program.

  3. Language Proficiency: Language proficiency, particularly in English, is often an important factor in the preliminary screening process. The applicant’s language proficiency may be assessed through standardized language test scores (such as TOEFL or IELTS), written statements of purpose, or during interviews.

  4. Statement of Purpose and Letters of Recommendation: The applicant’s statement of purpose and letters of recommendation are carefully reviewed during the screening process. The statement of purpose provides insights into the applicant’s research interests, motivations, and goals, while the letters of recommendation offer an external assessment of the applicant’s abilities, potential, and suitability for the IGPAS program.

  5. Eligibility Criteria: The preliminary screening ensures that applicants meet the eligibility criteria set by the IGPAS program. This includes factors such as nationality, educational background, and any specific requirements related to the program or field of study.

  6. Application Completeness: The screening committee verifies that applicants have submitted all the required application materials and that they have followed the application guidelines correctly. Incomplete applications may be disqualified during the preliminary screening.

Is it MS leading to a Ph.D.. Program?


An MS leading to a Ph.D. program, also known as an integrated or direct Ph.D. program, is a graduate program that allows students to pursue a master’s degree and seamlessly transition into a Ph.D. program without having to reapply. This type of program is designed to streamline the academic pathway and provide a more efficient route for students who are committed to obtaining a doctoral degree.

Here are some key features and considerations for an MS leading to Ph.D. program:

  1. Structure: The program typically begins with coursework and research in the master’s phase, allowing students to build a solid foundation in their field of study. After completing the master’s requirements, students transition into the doctoral phase, where they focus more on advanced research and the completion of their dissertation.

  2. Continuity: One of the primary advantages of an MS leading to Ph.D. program is the continuity it offers. Students can seamlessly continue their research and academic pursuits, building upon the knowledge and expertise gained during their master’s studies.

  3. Time and Duration: The total duration of an MS leading to Ph.D. program is often shorter compared to pursuing a standalone master’s degree followed by a separate PhD program. This is because the coursework and research done during the master’s phase can be applied toward the requirements of the doctoral program.

  4. Research Focus: Integrated PhD programs usually have a strong emphasis on research. Students are encouraged to engage in independent research projects, collaborate with faculty members, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their chosen field.

  5. Admission Requirements: The admission requirements for an MS leading to PhD program may vary, but they generally involve a competitive selection process. Applicants typically need a strong academic background, research potential, letters of recommendation, and a well-crafted statement of purpose outlining their research interests and career goals.

  6. Academic Progress and Evaluation: Throughout the program, students are often required to maintain a certain level of academic performance and progress. This may involve regular evaluations, research presentations, qualifying exams, or other benchmarks to ensure they are on track for successful completion of the program.

  7. Funding Opportunities: Many MS leading to PhD programs offer financial support to students in the form of scholarships, assistantships, or research grants. It’s advisable to inquire about the funding opportunities available from the program or institution.


Why study Japan?


Studying in Japan can offer a wide range of advantages and unique opportunities. Here are several reasons why studying in Japan may be appealing:

  1. Academic Excellence: Japan has a strong reputation for academic excellence and is home to several prestigious universities consistently ranked among the top in the world. Japanese institutions are known for their rigorous academic standards, cutting-edge research facilities, and high-quality education across various disciplines.

  2. Technological Advancements: Japan is renowned for its technological advancements and innovation. By studying in Japan, you can have access to state-of-the-art research facilities and opportunities to collaborate with leading experts in fields such as robotics, engineering, artificial intelligence, and biotechnology.

  3. Cultural Immersion: Japan has a rich and vibrant culture that captivates people from around the world. Studying in Japan provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in Japanese customs, traditions, language, and lifestyle. You can experience firsthand the beauty of Japanese arts, cuisine, festivals, and historical landmarks.

  4. Safe and Clean Environment: Japan is widely regarded as one of the safest countries in the world. The country’s low crime rate and well-maintained infrastructure contribute to a safe and clean living environment for international students. This can provide a sense of security and peace of mind during your stay.

  5. Scholarships and Funding: Japan offers various scholarship opportunities specifically designed for international students. These scholarships can help alleviate the financial burden and make studying in Japan more accessible. Scholarships are available at both the national and institutional levels, covering tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs.

  6. Career Opportunities: Japan is home to numerous global companies and multinational corporations, offering diverse career prospects for international students. By studying in Japan, you can develop valuable skills, gain international exposure, and potentially explore job opportunities in various industries. Additionally, Japan’s strong economy and innovation-driven industries can provide a fertile ground for entrepreneurial ventures.

  7. Unique Research Opportunities: Japan is known for its commitment to scientific research and technological advancements. Many universities and research institutions in Japan offer unique research opportunities in areas like robotics, renewable energy, medicine, and more. Engaging in research in Japan can provide valuable insights, collaboration opportunities, and exposure to cutting-edge advancements in your field.

  8. Networking and Connections: Studying in Japan allows you to build a network of connections with fellow students, professors, and professionals from around the world. These connections can be valuable for future collaborations, research partnerships, and career opportunities both within Japan and globally.


IGPAS 2024
IGPAS 2024


IGPAS 2024 JASSO Application in Japan Announced

IGPAS 2024
