Disaster and Earth Science

Govt Money 2023 Tech: Workable in 2025

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Govt Money 2023 Tech: Online Earning Guide


Today I will discuss online earning tips and how to earn from Govt Money 2023 Tech sector in Bangladesh. In this article, you will get the full guidelines on how I started online earning from the Govt Money 2023 Tech sector. In 2016 I started my freelancing career. I was fascinated by the Govt Money 2023 Tech tech sector. 

How I Started My Online Career Govt Money 2023 Tech Sector:

Initially, I started to watch some YouTube videos regarding websites and I started to create my free website and customize it by myself gradually I became interested in technology, especially the digital technology sector. One day I found the most widely recognized Marketplace called Fiverr.


Create A Fiverr Account and Start to Earn Money Online


I have learned that I can earn money online from my home. By this time I was skilled in illustration Adobe Illustration some making PowerPoint presentations video editing and of course content writing as I created my website I regularly tried to write English content about my niches and this is disaster and geology-related topics. 


 In this way, I was involved in my freelance career and I started to learn online shopping, which is called an online store in Shopify.


I created my first gig related to the Shopify e-commerce Marketplace and I usually upload the product of an online store gradually I became the Level 2 seller in Fiverr Marketplace. So far I have earned 2,000 US dollars working on Shopify Marketplace. Gradually I shifted my other skills to Adobe Illustrator, redrawing maps and making PowerPoint presentations for business purposes.


This is my freelance career earning from Govt Money 2023 Tech sector.


Now, I will guide you on how you can build your freelance career like me.


Initially, you have to know some skills that might be some technology, especially in the digital technology sector.  Bangladesh is ever ever-growing country in the infrastructure sector and in digital technology, the application of digital technology is increasing every day. So I recommend learning any digital technology topics. Get skilled in any sector of digital technology and continue to learn.

Govt Money 2023 Tech
Govt Money 2023 and 2024 Tech Sector

Who can start a freelance job and get money from the Govt Money 2023 Tech sector?Anyone, who is very interested in earning money online can start a freelancing career. This is good for job holders and also as a passive income source.

What do you need to start?

  •  You need a computer
  • Internet connection
  • A skill

How to start to earn money online from home?

If you are interested in earning from Govt Money 2023 Tech sector, I recommend starting from a widely recognized Marketplace called Fiverr



  • Create an account in Fiverr Marketplace
  • Create a gig on any Tech related topic whatever you have the skill
  • Stay online 24 hours for 2 months
  • Once you get a new order from the buyer, deliver the job done with highly professional quality.
  • If you deliver the job in professional quality then the Fiverr algorithm will distribute your gig among the best verified buyers to hire you again and again.  So, I recommend starting with full skill and getting a five-star rating.


What is a five-star?

Govt Money 2023 Tech

 A five-star rating is very important in Fiverr Marketplace because it will distribute your gig among the buyers and you will have high potentiality to hire again and again and get money from Govt Money 2023 Tech sector or in 2024.


There are many other Marketplaces online like,, etc.  I recommend starting from you can show your skill with the first order in the Marketplace then you will be promoted to Level 1 seller in the Marketplace and you can earn thousands of dollars online. 

The most important you need is a fascination to work with high-quality professionals and stay connected all day long through your mobile phone. You can download the Fiverr app on your mobile phone and stay connected all the time. It will increase your potential to get higher again and again.

Best Android app for money earning in Bangladesh 2024:


If you are interested in earning money online you can find Fiverr apps in Google apps.  Fiverr apps can be downloaded on your mobile phone and stay connected all the time so that buyers can find you live. They will chat with you and you can reply instantly because there is huge competition online. Based on the punctuality and quick response you can communicate with and get the job.

Govt money 2023 Techsite: 


Recently there have been many Bangladeshi websites that are interested in providing you money for entrepreneurship in the technology sector. Bangladesh’s government initiated many programs for developing the nation in the digital sector making the country “Smart Bangladesh”.

So there are many companies or government sectors to provide you the govt money 2023 tech sector. They are asking for applications from young people from Bangladesh. The company is, Islamic Bank, and Dutch Bangla Bank Limited.


Money Donation in Bangladesh 2023:


The government organization usually donates money to make the country “Smart Bangladesh” to the young people who are interested in making their career in entrepreneurship, especially in the technology sector. Students can apply in the government funding system to make an entrepreneurship career.


Money Cannot Bring Happiness Story:

When you work in Fiverr Marketplace we had free time to walk around. In our life, we need some fresh air every day. People think those who work in Marketplace, especially on Fiverr, don’t have enough time to roam around or have pleasure time they need to work 24 hours. Whenever the buyer wants to chat or wants to make a video call through Zoom meeting we need to back to the desk.

People also think the freelancer needs to work the whole night. They have less time to sleep and they have to work at night this is true especially for Bangladesh because geographically Bangladesh is the opposite of most buyers in the world, especially from the USA. But this is true money cannot bring happiness. So we need to be careful about our pleasure time if you have kids you need to spend more time with your kids.


Money Exchange Uttara:

When you earn money from Fiverr, You need to withdraw money from your favorite account, right? 

in that case, all the money will be deposited as a dollar in your account. So there are many money exchange offices in Bangladesh especially there are many locations in Uttara, Dhanmondi, and Gulshan. You can go there directly to exchange the money from the US dollar to Bangladesh BD.  


The best and simplest way is to apply for a pioneer card.  To get the Pioneer Master Card, you can get the link in your Fiverr account to open your account. I suggest you watch some YouTube videos on how to connect your Pioneer account with your Fiverr account. 


The money you are earning from the buyer will be stored in your Fiverr account and you can withdraw that money to your payoneer card and it will be converted to BDT.


There are some money exchange offices you can visit there and talk with them. They are the money exchange Dhanmondi and the money exchange Gulshan.

The Money Exchange Dhanmondi

The Money Exchange Gulshan.

Pioneer Master Card is your online money bag.

Govt Money 2030 Tech: A Glimpse into the Crystal Ball

Hello Friend Today I will discuss Govt Money 2030 Tech sector.

You also can earn your money from the Govt to your bank account.

Imagine yourself ten years from now, in 2030. Flying cars whizz past neon-lit sky-rises, powered by AI algorithms predicting your every need. Robots dance alongside humans in factories humming with automation, while doctors wield holograms to perform surgery on patients continents away. This isn’t just science fiction; it’s the near future being shaped by the intersection of government funding and cutting-edge technology.

So, what’s brewing in the government’s tech cauldron for 2030? Buckle up, because we’re about to take a deep dive into the fascinating world of govt money 2030 tech.

The Big Five: Where the Billion Bucks Flow

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Governments across the globe are pouring record sums into five key tech areas, each with the potential to revolutionize our lives:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Forget Siri and Alexa. Think sentient machines making life-or-death medical diagnoses, optimizing city traffic flows, and even composing personalized symphonies. Governments are fueling the AI fire, funding research in everything from ethical algorithms to superintelligence, making 2030 the year AI truly comes of age.
  2. Quantum Computing and Jobs: Imagine crunching numbers that would take today’s computers billions of years in mere seconds. That’s the power of quantum computing, and governments are betting big on it. From cracking complex encryption codes to designing life-saving drugs, quantum computers promise to rewrite the rules of the game across industries.
  3. Biotechnology: Forget bionic limbs; think regenerating limbs! We’re talking gene editing for disease eradication, personalized medicine tailored to your DNA, and even the possibility of reversing aging. Governments are backing groundbreaking research in biotech, blurring the lines between science and science fiction.

    govt money 2030 tech
    This is How I have earned 2000 Dollar from an Online
  4. Robotics and Automation: Robots aren’t just stealing factory jobs anymore; they’re building smarter cities, performing delicate surgeries, and even providing companionship in the face of loneliness. Governments are investing heavily in robotics, aiming for a future where humans and machines collaborate seamlessly.
  5. Clean Energy and Jobs: Forget fossil fuels; think solar panels beaming energy down from skyscrapers and fusion reactors powering entire cities. Governments are spearheading the clean energy revolution, funding research in renewables, energy storage, and even climate engineering.

Beyond the Big Five: Emerging Tech on the Horizon

But hold on, the tech party doesn’t stop there! Governments are also keeping a watchful eye on other emerging technologies with game-changing potential:

  • Blockchain: Imagine a world where every transaction is secure and transparent, from voting to buying groceries. Blockchain technology is on the rise, and governments are exploring its potential to reshape everything from governance to supply chains.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Get ready to step into virtual worlds and overlay digital information onto your reality. VR and AR are poised to transform everything from education and entertainment to healthcare and manufacturing, and governments are investing in their development.
  • Space Exploration: Buckle up, space cadets! The final frontier is beckoning, and governments are pouring money into space exploration missions, lunar colonies, and even asteroid mining. The future looks starry-eyed, thanks to government-backed space tech.

The Human Factor: Balancing Progress with Ethics

But amidst the tech euphoria, a crucial question looms: who controls this powerful genie? Governments must walk a tightrope between fueling technological progress and ensuring its ethical use. Issues like AI bias, data privacy, and the potential for job displacement need to be addressed head-on. Otherwise, the 2030 tech landscape could resemble a dystopian cyberpunk novel, not a utopian dream.

The Takeaway: A Future Built on Collaboration

So, what does “govt money 2030 tech” truly mean? It’s a story of governments investing in the future, but it’s also a call to action for individuals, businesses, and academia to join the dance. This isn’t a spectator sport; everyone has a role to play in shaping the ethical and responsible development of these technologies.

From the labs and research institutes to the streets and living rooms, let’s collectively ensure that the 2030 tech landscape is one where humans and technology thrive together, creating a brighter future for all.

This is just a taste of the fascinating world of govt money 2030 tech. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a policymaker, or simply someone curious about the future, stay tuned because the next decade promises to be a wild ride.

As I am planning to earn from the govt money 2030 tech sector, you can also involved with us.

What are the websites to earn from the govt money 2030 tech sector?

fiverrThis is the most popular marketplace to earn money online in your career to 2030. The marketplace place good for earning from the govt money 2030 tech sector. 

if you have a computer in your home and have any skills to be a freelancer, create your free account today.

Create a Fiverr account Free> Click Here

You can see this is my earning from govt money 2030 tech sector like Fiverr.

If you need a freelancer for your company> Click Here

You can get the Govt Money 2030 Tech sector even from Bangladesh. Go to the Link below. What is the eligibility for that? You need a NID Card and other necessary documents to get that money Follow the instructions bellow.


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Govt Money 2023 Tech: Online Earning Guide