World Divorce Rate
The list includes Portugal the top most divorce in the world and, is 94%.
Divorce rate:
India: 1%
Vietnam: 7%
Tajikistan: 10%
Iran: 14%
Mexico: 17%
Egypt: 17%
South Africa: 17%
Brazil: 21%
Turkey: 25%
Colombia: 30%
Poland: 33%
Japan: 35%
Germany: 38%
United Kingdom: 41%
New Zealand: 41%
Australia: 43%
China: 44%
United States: 45%
South Korea: 46%
Denmark: 46%
Italy: 46%
Canada: 47%
Netherlands: 48%
Sweden: 50%
France: 51%
Belgium: 53%
Finland: 55%
Cuba: 55%
Ukraine: 70%
Russia: 73%
Luxembourg: 79%
Spain: 85%
Portugal: 94%
Note: This compares the number of divorces in a given year to the number of marriages in that same year (the ratio of the crude divorce rate to the crude marriage rate). For example, if there are 500 divorces and 1,000 marriages in a given year in a given area, the ratio would be one divorce for every two marriages, e.g. a ratio of 0.50 (50%).
Data is from last available year by country. As an example Portugal data is from 2020, Germany is from 2017.
This is world’s statistics of divorce. Does this mean any happiness index?
Is there any relation between marriage and happiness of course there might be if we think the relationship between divorce and happiness of a country does this mean any sense?
People will think yes of course there might be a relationship.
The world’s most divorce country is Portugal. The happiness index indicate the country in Europe are most happiest country in the world whereas in Europe that divorce rate is high.
If we look back to Asia like India the divorce rate is only 1% what does it mean are the people very happy there but the happiness index doesn’t reflect that.
As a country of Bangladesh the people are Muslims in the holy Quran Allah says people can marry until five wives. In Bangladesh the divorce rate is around 1%.
One husband five wives makes the possibility of divorce higher and easy to divorce but the world divorce rate scenario is different for Bangladesh.
Among the Hindu people women’s are less prone to divorce because of their religious culture hence the people of India are less interested to divorce.
But this doesn’t indicate their happiness because India is less happiest country in the world ranking.
European country are happiest country in the world but higher the divorce rate than the Asian countries.
The divorce rate of Japan is 35%. Japan and China has no religion but the divorce rate is still higher.
There might be no relationship between religious practice and having a divorce.